The outlook for Brazil: risk and opportunities, a breakfast briefing with Irene Mia, Regional Director, Latin America & Caribbean, Economist Intelligence Unit, was held at Marriott Harrison on Wednesday, 13th June 2012.
Irene Mia
Irene is regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). In her role, she provides intellectual and strategic leadership to the regional editorial team within the EIU's Country Analysis division, fostering intellectual debate and publishing high quality and timely forecasts, reports and articles on economic, political and business developments within the region. She also plays a core role in communicating the company's forecasts and views to clients and other high-level audiences around the world. Her main research interests are in the fields of development, international trade, economic integration, innovation, ICT, competitiveness and Latin America. Irene holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the Institute for the Studies of the Americas, London University, and a PhD in International Economic and Trade Law from L. Bocconi. She speaks Italian, French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
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