Nuclear Weapons of the Law: a talk by Frederico Singarajah

Nuclear Weapons of the Law

A brief introduction to injunctions in the context of civil

& commercial litigation



17:30 pm

Registration and coffee



18:00 to 18:05 pm

Opening Remarks

Vitoria Nabas

Chair of the Legal Committee

Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

18:05 to 18:50 pm


The lecture will be a brief overview of injunctions, their uses and the law surrounding them.  It will explain what shall be required of parties when making an application for an injunction, either on a ‘with notice’ or ‘ex parte’ application.  Some of the notable cases shall be discussed as well as their contribution to the law.



The second part shall be a look into 2 particular types of injunction the ‘Search and seizure’ previously known as Anton Pillar, and the ‘freezing’  formerly referred to as the Mareva, respectively for the cases in which their characteristics were determined. The legal requirements and caveats as well as the legal burden that must be satisfied will be discussed.


Frederico Singarajah


1 Gray’s Inn Square

18:50 to 19:05 pm

Q & A


19:05 to 19:10 pm

Closing Remarks

Hermes Marangos

Partner, Head of International

Davies Arnold Cooper

19:10 to 20:30 pm

Networking Reception

Drinks & Canapés

Frederico Singarajah is a member of the Legal Committee of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. He is the only Brazilian currently practising at the independent Bar.

Before joining the Bar, Frederico practised as a solicitor-advocate, specialising in civil and commercial litigation. He also worked in-house in the technology, finance and pharmaceutical sectors.  He specialises in cross-border issues, predominantly between UK and Brazil. His practice consists of civil and public law, although he has represented clients in a wide range of matters of special interest.  He also advises on all areas of non-contentious commercial law.  Being bilingual and a dual national, he is well placed to advise in matters relating to the two jurisdictions.