Brazil is increasingly playing a key role in the global economy but continues to be hampered by its unsatisfactory infrastructure.
Upgrading this infrastructure is a key element of the Brazilian Government's ambitious Growth Acceleration Programme (PAC).
Greater private investment in Brazil also needs to be secured. Robust insurance protection for public and private interests is a key driver to viability of such projects.
The 'Insuring Infrastructure Project' event looked at some key aspects of such programmes benchmarked against international practice.
- Opening Remarks by Leonardo Ferreira, Partner at Deloitte
- Overview of forthcoming infrastructure projects in Brazil – Jaime Gornsztejn BNDES
- Insuring infrastructure projects in international market– Brian Elliot – Marsh
Brian Elliot, MA
Marsh Ltd
Senior Consultant advising on design of project insurance programmes especially Lenders’ insurance requirements, and Delay in start up. He has advised the UK MoT on Channel Fixed Link, the EBRD on Newmont-Zarafshan gold mine (1st privately financed project in Uzbekistan) and Barclays Capital on Cerro Matoso nickel smelter Colombia. His transactional experience includes: The Ankara Metro in Turkey and the Pascua Lama gold mine in Chile/Argentina.
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